Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Uri International the future of Real Nutrition

As our fast pace lives become more and more hectic and the need for healthier eating becomes more and more apparent. will become a much needed relief and resource for the masses to help our bodies fight against what is happening today to the food supply. is a healthy life style friendly way to get the live nutrients our bodies so desperately need.

Look at what we find is happening to our daily food supply.

Hormones, steroids, antibiotics in animals; Toxins and pollutants in the soil and water; Processed, chemical and preservative laden, lifeless food;
Synthetic chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers; fumigation;
Synthetic, isolated vitamins and inorganic mineral supplements; Nutrient deficient produce; Pasteurization Irradiation and genetic modification.

They are even researching, testing and introducing
human genes, pesticides, viruses, drugs, and vaccines into seeds.

Don’t just take my word for it. I know you wont but please do your own research!

When you do your own research, I think you will agree with me how important it is to and get live whole natural foods into our bodies.

When you start to get educated you will realize how
Incredible live, whole food based, InstaFresh Juices really are.

maybe the most nutritious thing many people will ever eat.

proprietary no heat dehydrating process converts
live whole foods and fresh raw juices into nutrient dense, great tasting, instant, all natural juice powders.

ingredients are either certified organic or use organic practices such as no synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, no GMO and no irradiation.”

There is a purpose behind way beyond making money.

Unleash the Life Within – Try products and
Release the Life Within – Share with others
Inspire the Life Within – Encourage others do the same by

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