Thursday, August 23, 2007

Preservatives and Additives we are putting in our body

Yesterdays blog was the start of a series from the NORTH AMERICAN DIET. I hope this points out the real need to Id like to hear your comments on both the attributes of and your thoughts on the North American Diet. drinking the feast and the benefits of all the organic fresh live foods provided in the feast have been a real benefit in my life and the way I feel each day. I really encourage you to give the feast a try.
I continue on with the dangers of Preservatives and additives we are putting in our bodies on a daily basis. I hope it opens your eyes for the need to stop and take the time to eat and every day!
Part 2 in the Excerpt from NORTH AMERICAN DIET:
God has created the body to be irrepressibly healthy!
Chemicals which have the power to produce mutations through chromosome damage are called mutagens. They cause disruptions of the genetic code which are responsible for over 15,000 inheritable, genetic disorders. Sadly, they may have a drastic consequence to our grandchildren.
The food industry aims at making products look and taste appealing without thought to the products' nutritional value. Loaded with chemical additives and designed to be addictive, processed food is manufactured first for profit.
All great chefs will tell you that the tangy flavor of lemon juice is a must in enhancing and lifting the taste of fish. In fact, lemon juice is widely used to compliment a variety of popular dishes. But to cut cost and for the sake of convenience, manufacturers have replaced lemon juice with 2-methyl-3-(pisopropylphenyl)-propionaldehyde. An unpronounceable name to add to the estimated three thousand chemical additives which we consume.
Your body has become a chemical depository. Sulfur is used to keep dried fruit fresh. Formaldehyde which is used to retard corpse decomposition is added to disinfect frozen vegetables. The blue shimmer on the surface of luncheon meat is the result of sodium nitrate. Sodium nitrate is commonly used in the preservation of ham, bacon, sausage and bologna to keep meat looking red, when normally, it would have decomposed into an unappealing gray. In the stomach, sodium nitrate is converted into nitrous acid which is suspected of inciting stomach cancer. Germany and Norway have banned the use of this powerful toxin.

Enjoy the feast! Pouring Life Back In

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